Healthy winter warmer recipes for your family. Entrée Vegetable Filo Triangles Low fat and sugar Ingredients 20 sheets filo pastry 1.5 cups canned kidney beans, rinsed and drained half cup reduced fat milk 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 potato, grated 40g reduced fat cheese, grated quarter carrot, grated 1 tablespoon tomato chutney half onion, chopped Method…
A few chocolate eggs here, a champagne or two there, and a couple more eggs… before we know it our clothes are tighter and we have forgotten about those New Year’s resolutions. We live in a time where we all want instant satisfaction and results. However, when it comes to weight loss the healthiest results are not…
Added and refined sugar is everywhere in our diets today, so it’s important we have an understanding of the part Sugar plays in our health! First it’s important to understand what sugar actually its. Basically, when sugar is broken down it’s a simple carbohydrate. So that means the following foods are recognised as a sugar…
Enjoy the Festive Season The Festive Season has arrived! It’s a time filled with many social gatherings, copious amounts of food, drink and lots of laughter. However sticking to your health goals at this time of year is not as hard as you may think. The key is preparation and knowing your limits. It’s a…
The world we live in today can be extremely busy, and it’s easy to feel a little overwhelmed and stressed. Using food as a way to help reduce the stress in your life is a simple and wonderful tool. The following foods have wonderful stress busting properties: Oats Oats are powerhouses of calm. They support…
The concept of food swapping is a great one to adopt into your daily life. It allows you to add foods into your diet that you mightn’t normally have, rather than taking things away. The following food swap table adds in healthy wholefoods to your diet: SWAP THIS FOR THIS White sugar, lollies, chocolate, fake…
A healthy diet isn’t always as attainable as we’d like. When you factor in our busy and time poor lifestyles it’s easy to see why people turn to readymade convenience foods. The idea of swapping it allows us to still have the convenience factor and not feel like we are missing out, yet we swap…
When making changes, add things into your diet and lifestyle rather than viewing it as taking things away. Don’t be too strict on yourself with this process, it is a process and it will take time. Food swapping is a great way of adding things into your diet, for example: Swap sugar for Stevia and…
Healthy eating involves thinking about what you’re putting into your body and how this will affect your overall health. Fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains are the main features of a healthy diet. Things to include in your diet Eat 2 pieces of fresh fruit daily. Fruit contains many vitamins our bodies require for optimal…
Why eat Chia seeds? Chia seeds boast the following properties: Gluten free High in protein, boasting one of the only plant sources of complete protein Loaded with Omega 3 fats Super high in dietary fibre – great for digestion High in iron & calcium Excellent for healthy skin, hair and nails Chia also has a…
Green leafy vegetables such as Kale, chard, rocket and spinach are essential aspects of the human diet if we want to feel healthy and vibrant. They are also often the most ignored vegetables. They are nature’s multivitamin in plant form, containing extremely high amounts of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, fibre and good doses of protein….