Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Support

The UTI Program is available at Bendigo UFS Pharmacies.

Bendigo UFS are an active participant in the Victorian Government’s Community Prescribing Pilot. 

Patients eligible for this program are 18 to 65 year old females who present symptoms of an uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), with no other medical history. 

  • Wanting to urinate more often and urgently, even if only a few drops
  • Burning pain or a ‘scalding’ sensation when urinating
  • A feeling the bladder is still full after urinating
  • Pain above the pubic bone

An appointment will enable women to gain access to antibiotics to treat UTI without needing to go to the general practitioner (GP) first. 

What does this pilot program mean for me?

The program is part of the Victorian Government’s Community Prescribing Pilot launched in late October 2023. It enables greater access for women to gain support for UTIs where it’s difficult to get a general practitioner (GP) appointment.

At your consultation, your Pharmacist will ask you some screening questions in a private consultation to ensure you receive the right treatment and care. Treatment options may include antibiotics or referral to a medical practitioner in more severe cases. 


UTI Appointment

What to bring to your appointment
  • Bring your Medicare Card

More information

Urinary tract infections, commonly referred to as UTI’s and also known as cystitis, are infections that can affect the urethra, bladder and/or kidneys. They are more common in women than men for two main reasons:

1. in women the opening to the urethra (the tube that empties the urine from the bladder) is in closer proximity to the anus than it is in men, allowing for easy transfer of bacteria from one opening to another, and

2. in women the urethra is much shorter than it is in men, thereby allowing for easy passage of bacteria to move from the external opening to inside the urinary system.

The risk of developing a UTI is higher for:

  • women who are
    • sexually active
    • post-menopausal
    • pregnant or have recently given birth
  • people who
    • are sedentary or less mobile
    • use urinary catheters regularly
    • have diabetes, especially when blood sugars are not managed well
    • have a weakened immune system
  • infants and babies
  • older people

Other information is available at the BetterHealth Channel.

  • Drink plenty of water (2 litres a day)
  • Urinate when the need is there and do not put it off
  • Minimise irritation in the area by not using strong or highly perfumed soaps, talcum powder or deodorants
  • After going to the toilet, wipe from the vagina towards the anus (front to back) to avoid spreading bacteria
  • Wear cool cotton underwear, rather than a synthetic material. Avoid wearing pantyhose and tight jeans
  • Do not sit in cold or draughty areas, particularly when you are wet e.g. after swimming
  • After going to the toilet, wipe from the vagina towards the anus (front to back) to avoid spreading bacteria


Last updated 14 December 2023