People often wonder how much they need to move their bodies, and if they really need to exercise or not. Let me tell you this, exercise is not just a fad, and the human body is designed to be moved in some way every single day. Exercising with intention is very different from having a physical job, and it’s a non-negotiable part of life if you want to have abundant health and wellbeing.
You can call it exercise, but I like to call it body movement because I feel that this releases the negative idea of exercise being hard and a drag. Moving our bodies is pure joy. I like to move my body for half an hour every week day before work. Sometimes its yoga, or pilates, or a nice brisk walk in nature.
Choose something that you find fun or relaxing/nourishing. If that’s gym, go for it. If that means playing soccer with friends after work, go for that. It might mean going for a peaceful nature walk, or getting sweaty at a dance class. Whatever form of moving you choose, do it from a place of love and nourishment for your body and it will be something you look forward to as a part of your everyday routine.