Bone Density Testing


Watch this space for future dates to be advised.

Assess your risk.

Are your bones ageing faster than you are?

379 Hargreaves Street
Tuesday 2nd July


  • Bone density needs to be checked regularly, just like any other health factor
  • You can’t see or feel your bones getting thinner
  • Bone loss can begin from mid-30’s and progress slowly, undetected for many years until a fracture occurs
  • In Australia 1 in 3 people over age 20 have low bone density
  • 2 out of 3 people aged over 50 have poor skeletal health
  • Men are at risk too about 30% of all fragility fractures in people over 50 are in men
  • Osteoporosis does not happen suddenly at age 70
  • Osteoporosis is not curable, but it’s largely preventable
  • Knowing your bone density early provides more time and information to reduce risk as you age.

You are never too young or too old to prevent or minimise your risk of fracture due to osteoporosis.