MEDIA RELEASE MEDIA RELEASE Customers express concern about Supercare Pharmacy reduced hours 24 January 2024 Bendigo UFS Pharmacies customers have taken to social media to express their concern about changes to trading hours at the View Street Supercare pharmacy. The organisation recently posted on its Facebook page the change to Supercare pharmacy hours to 7am to 11pm, 7…
MEDIA RELEASE MEDIA RELEASE Bendigo UFS backing Bendigo Foodhshare’s crucial work 28 August 2023 A renewed and expanded sponsorship by Bendigo UFS will ensure a crucial community program can continue for two more years. Bendigo UFS will contribute $60,000 over two years to Bendigo Foodshare’s ‘Grow a Row, Pick a Branch’ program. Under the program,…
MEDIA RELEASE MEDIA RELEASE Internship boost for local pharmacy students 14 August 2023 Up to four lucky pharmacy students will receive support to complete their studies and a guaranteed job as part of the Bendigo UFS 2024 Intern Program. The successful applicant will receive ongoing professional development and training at Bendigo UFS, as well as…
MEDIA RELEASE MEDIA RELEASE Community pharmacy celebrates 150 years 8 August 2023 CEO Lois O’Callaghan announced this week Bendigo UFS Pharmacies was celebrating its 150th anniversary in 2023 with events and promotions over the next few months. Bendigo UFS was founded in 1872 on the principles of early lodges, foundations and friendly societies by men…
Announcement – CEO Resignation Message to Members and Stakeholders From Nicole Cox, Board Chair Bendigo United Friendly Society Chair Nicole Cox said that Chief Executive Michael Fleming has announced his resignation. Nicole said that “After 17 very productive and dedicated years Michael made the decision to resign and to pursue new opportunities and the board wants…
Maiden Gully Fire Brigade For Maiden Gully Fire Brigade “Building a Healthier Community” also means building a safer community! Two important projects will benefit from this year’s annual payment from the UFS fund. The necessary tools to help community members who find their children accidentally locked in a car have been purchased. The second project…
We would like to formally acknowledge the support that Bendigo UFS Pharmacies provide to Holy Rosary School on an annual basis in the form of your generous donation.
Our school provides a fresh fruit program to our students on a weekly basis and the funds raised by you each year are a very welcome addition, to enable us to continue providing this healthy program to our students.
Please accept this letter as a token of our gratitude and we hope to continue our relationship with you in the years to come.
Paul Wilkinson
St Kilians Primary School 100% of the funds given go directly back to our St Kilian’s School Care Team. The team is our Pastoral Care initiative to welcome and support all members of our school community. Most of the funds are put towards food vouchers of equal value to help when babies arrive, there is…