Discovering the best shape for your eyebrows without sacrificing their natural appearance is what Eden therapists want to accomplish for you when shaping your brows.
The over-plucked, pencil-thin eyebrow can look a little dated and age the face, rather than enhancing it. And bushy unkempt brows (though very on-trend) run the risk of giving the appearance of Helga from Hey Arnold; so even though a thicker look is great, make sure you look after them so the brows appear polished. At Eden, we believe eyebrows frame the face – and our clients leave with a brow that enhances their features.
Eyebrow pencils, powders and gels can be used to enhance and refine the shape of the eyebrows. We use these to fill gaps or lengthen the arch of the eyebrow to create the desired look. Eyebrow waxing is a very popular way to keep your brows maintained – it’s quick and can last weeks!
Book an appointment with an Eden beauty therapist for a brow-assessment. It’s face-changing and you’ll notice a real difference.