In the community

Maiden Gully Fire Brigade

For Maiden Gully Fire Brigade “Building a Healthier Community” also means building a safer community! Two important projects will benefit from this year’s annual payment from the UFS fund. The necessary tools to help community members who find their children accidentally locked in a car have been purchased. 

The second project will improve safety lighting around entrances to the fire station including extra exit lights that can be critical if the power goes off. Brigade Captain, Peter Dole, says “The lighting works will not only make it easier and safer for our own members but will make the facility safer for community groups who regularly use our meeting room.” 

Several brigade members have entered the Melbourne Firefighter Stair Climb this year. The climb involves ascending 28 floors of the Crown Metropol Hotel in full turnout gear and breathing apparatus. Funds raised from sponsorship will be used to fight depression, PTSI and suicide that is all too common in firefighters. The event takes place on Saturday, September 7th. Community members can support these super fit Maiden Gully Fireys to take on this gruelling stair climb by going to and selecting donate.

Andrew Howlett
Maiden Gully Fire Brigade.